Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Privacy Invasion

Privacy is so important in this generation and privacy invasion

has become a large issue. Mostly because nothing is private when it comes to the internet. Stuff online about you is going to be there forever. When we sign up for social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat we enter into a legally binding contract that we are legal parties to. Things are mentioned in the contract like “whatever you post on Facebook belongs to Facebook” and “even if u cancel your account with Facebook, Facebook still retains all of that data forever.” These contracts of adhesion mean that 1 party holds all of the power. There are so many invasions of privacy with all of the technology in our generation. Even more include Stingrays which can send tracking signals inside houses to see what devices are in each home. What you do in your home and what devices you have should be completely your privacy. This is a huge safety hazard and should not be illegal. Surveillance cameras watch what people do in public at all times, and now that it has gotten so cheap to store videos, they are likely to keep them forever. Every single thing you have searched on google or every website you have visited can be tracked and used against you. It is scary to think about and one thing you search may be used against you and affect you for the rest of your life. All of these things violate 4th and 5th amendment rights. It is impossible to be free if the government is watching every single move you make and it needs to change. Data mining companies can even make money from selling your data. The government needs to do something to fix all of these problems and protect our freedoms. If the person does not have a reasonable expectation of privacy that is one thing, but a text message sent on
What’s App or iMessage should never ever be able to be wiretapped into or used against people. Protecting citizens of the United States is important and tracking down criminals is necessary, however, it has gone too far. We need to protect ourselves as well. When signing up for emails and other internet platforms we should not use any of our real information that can be sold. We need to be careful what we look up and what we post on social media. Keeping in mind that anything you say or do is being watched is a priority to keeping ourselves safe in this crazy world. 

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