Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Mainstream Media ETO

The Oxford dictionary defines it as “traditional or established broadcasting or publishing outlets” It also may be called legacy media, corporate media, or Establishment media. Includes news such as New York Times, ABC News, CNN, NBC, and other big-name news sources. The point of mainstream media is to be objective and state the facts. The media is supposed to ask questions, get statements, investigate everything the government does and report it to the citizens to keep government and politicians honest. They’re supposed to look for corruption and report it. Unofficial but widely accepted “Fourth estate” because it checks government power just as much as the other branches of checks and balances. This is really good for society when is actually goes this way because it keeps citizens up to date on what is going on and gives honest information and states facts about what is happening inside the government. Citizens have the right to know what is going on, however, in recent years it has not been this way. Over the years the mainstream media has become biased and focused on agenda setting instead of objectively reporting the news. The Mainstream media uses spin, Cherry picking
, and editorial commentary to deliver the desired message. Instead of stating facts, they give you information they want you to hear in order to change your opinion on an issue. The mainstream media affects different people in different ways. Those who have not had access to education are likely to believe everything the mainstream media tells them because they think they are getting valid facts. They do not know any better and this can be detrimental to our democracy. A large portion of the country will listen and believe anything they hear on the news and do not have the resources to research and learn for themselves. It is easy for the mainstream media to sway these people to believe what they and can even change the outcome of an election. Giving society facts and not spinning things to get the desired outcome is what makes this country free. Additionally, if you are against the mainstream media and their agenda you may be seen as the minority and looked at in a different light. The mainstream media affects me and my family because they take what they want people to know from what’s going on in the government and use it as a call to action for people to act a certain way. For instance, the way the mainstream media wanted to perceive Covid affected the way that citizens acted. The way the media portrayed covid caused mass hysteria and made everyone scared to leave their house. Mask mandates, vaccinations, and quarantining for years have been made worse by the mainstream media and caused everyone to be scared when facts showed that death rates since covid have been no different than other years. The media also has got caught fabricating statistics and numbers to make Covid seem more dangerous than it actually is. The media gets caught for this type of thing all the time and affects everyone no matter the demographics. While we are lucky our country has a way of telling its people what is going on there are certain things about the mainstream media that need to change in order to protect our citizens and democracy.

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