Sunday, February 13, 2022

Controversy about war has always and will always be a topic of discussion within the government of the United States. We are always hearing what is going on between America and other countries and are constantly wondering if problems with other countries will eventually lead to war. But why is it that we are never hearing or seeing antiwar voices in the media? Is the government regulating what American citizens hear through the media and are they the reason that we don’t hear why war is bad and why most of the time it may not be necessary at all?

After reading through two antiwar publications ANTIWAR.COM and American Conservative
it is clear that the government is trying to hide and refuses to cover anything antiwar-related. It is obvious that war is not ideal so why does the government want to hide those standing up for the lives of every soldier that has lost their life and every soldier that will one day lose their life? After doing some research on the topic and sifting through the two websites given it seems as though the government orchestrates some war to make their donors in the defense industry happy. No matter how many Americans die in war it seems as though money is at the forefront of the government's consideration. The American Conservative talks about promoting and prioritizing liberty, localism, strong middle-class advocacy, and staying out of foreign wars that do not put American lives at stake. These values seem like values that every single American should hold especially at this time and in our free country. This all goes to show that the government only tells you what they want to tell you, which is why no matter the political party, you’ll never see any antiwar voices in the mainstream media. This just raises the question of “is the government ever open and honest with its citizens” and “do we ever really know what’s going on in our country and if our freedom is at stake.”

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