Wednesday, January 19, 2022

My top 5 News Sources!

I love to keep up to date with what's going on in the world around me, from politics to pop culture. Finding trusted and nonbias new sources to get information from can be difficult, especially in the environment we are in today. With complete polarization throughout our country, it can be hard to find political news that is just stating facts rather than inserting an opinion to change how people view certain issues. Since I know how hard it is to find unbias news sources with straight facts I try to take in information from both sides when looking at political news. However, of course, there is also news that may not affect my life in any way but can still be fun to follow, like pop culture!


E-News (Entertainment news) is my favorite place to get the most recent news on celebrities and anything pop culture. E! Online has all of the latest news including sections such as “trending now” “today’s hot photos” and “this just in”. There are also sections for more specific types of celebrity news which are ideal for people more interested in specific topics. For example, a whole section for The Kardashians and Bachelor Nation has its own coverage too!  I am even subscribed to E-News alerts, which keeps me up to date with all breaking celebrity news. I like E-news because they are on so many different platforms. They have a website, every social media you can think of, and even had a show up until recently. E-News is the perfect pop culture news source because you can get information about any celebrity drama in so many different places.

#2 Mom

As mentioned in the introduction, finding trusted information can be hard. Which is the reason for my second favorite news source. There is no one I trust more than my mom, and she loves to keep me up to date on all of the latest news. My mom is extremely smart and loves to keep herself in the loop on all things politics and pop culture. I can always count on my mom to keep me in the loop about what is going on. When she sees something interesting she will send me a screenshot of the post or article she is looking at. I also know that if I ask her a question about what is going on in the world, she will go out of her way to find and send me trusted articles. My mom always tells me that while politics may not affect me at this time in my life, soon they will and that it is extremely important to know what is going on in the world around me. I love that important information and news is sent to me every day by my mom to keep me up to date. When in doubt about what type of news and information to trust, try asking a parent!

#3 CNN

I like to go to CNN when looking for news and information. Not because of my political views but because I like to take in both sides from far left-wing to the far right-wing. While I am aware CNN is biased and leans pretty far left, I believe it is important to be looking at news coming from both sides. I think it is nearly impossible to find news where the writer does not take a side in some way, so at least this way I can understand the issue and compare the news to a source more right-winged. I find that this helps me put opinions to the side and understand the facts. Instead of trying to find a neutral source, I prefer this way because I find it helps to make me smarter and also helps me realize what is facts and what is opinion. I think everyone who watches or gets their news from CNN or Fox should try also looking at the opposite source at least once a week. However, I do also like how CNN has such a wide variety of news ranging from sports to the Royal Family in England!

#4 Fox News

Fox News is the other news source that I get news and information. I like Fox News section on their website “exclusive clips” because it is actual clips from TV that you can just click on and watch at any time. However, like CNN I am aware it is biased and in order to look at and follow FOX news, I find it important to also follow CNN or a news source on the opposite end politically. I believe our country is so polarized because once someone chooses a news source, they are completely influenced by that side. It is always important to hear the opposite side's opinion to be completely informed and understand the facts.

#5 Instagram

I am on Instagram so often that it is definitely in my top 5 news sources. I follow around 1,000 accounts, so I am always getting different types of news on my feed. I like getting my information from here because it is a fun and less serious way.
Watching FOX and CNN is informative and important, but getting news while scrolling through Instagram is way more fun. It feels less forced and can be less upsetting because one post will be something sad happening in society, and then the next will be a funny video to take your mind off of it. Sometimes our news can be pretty upsetting, especially in this day and age. I truly find that just looking at the news on my phone can change my whole mood. I like Instagram because I am still getting informed and learning, but it is not so serious. Of course, I also like to follow the pop culture pages to get information on celebrity drama. If you are someone who feels like the news can change your mood or even ruin your day, follow some news outlets on your Instagram so that it is mixed in with funny videos and pictures of friends and family!

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