Sunday, February 6, 2022

8 Values of Free Expression

We have talked a lot about the first amendment and why is so important to our country. The eight values of free expression feel personal to me especially with the climate we are in today. Each of the eight values of free expression discussed I see in action today. For each theory, there is something going on in the real world today that ties the two together and helps to explain it.

Promote Innovation and Protect Dissent are two that resonated with me for a couple of reasons. Promote innovation says that “a community in which free speech is valued and protected is likely to be more energized, creative, interesting society as its citizens actively fulfill themselves in many diverse and interesting ways.” When I think of this theory the first two things that come to my mind are COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement. While the effects were not all positive and may have gone too far, groups of people came together to stand up for what they believe in which is what makes our country so different and so special. These people likely felt a sense of belonging and fulfillment from acting on their first amendment rights. I feel when people take advantage of the first amendment it creates a more energized and interesting world, which then makes people feel freer. During the Black Lives Matter movement groups of people band together on social media to take advantage of their first amendment and speak how they feel. Now people take to different platforms to speak about their rights involving the repercussions of COVID-19. This also resonates with me because I feel like with the political climate we are in today you can be shut down, canceled, or invalidated because of your feelings, political views, or the things you say both online and in person. I think this freedom is important and I think people need to remember it before hating people with different beliefs than their own. Without this freedom our country could become like many other countries and our freedom could be taken away.

The second freedom that resonates with me the most is Protect Dissent. This says “our system is not supposed to be one of mob rule. The first amendment protects minority views, no matter how unpopular. You have a strongly protected right to disagree with the government – and everyone else. In fact, it is your patriotic duty to criticize the government.” This relates to what I said about the previous freedom. Being that it is our duty to criticize the government nobody should be getting canceled for doing just that. Our country is so polarized that people feel if somebody disagrees with them they should have no right to speak at all. Our country is based upon freedom of speech and without it, our country will not be free. While privately-owned social media companies such as Facebook and Twitter have the right to remove information that they disagree with, I think it is tampering with the first amendment and causing even more polarization and hate. It seems like people are pressured into not speaking up if their views are not the most common ones. For example, during Donald Trump's presidency people who voted for and supported him were looked down on, criticized, and even completely canceled. It was so rare to see people speak up and show support for their president because they were afraid of what people would think about them and the results it would have on their lives, especially celebrities and influencers. Facebook was also deleting posts where the views went against that of the democratic party and eventually banned the president from using the app for the rest of his presidency. ​​
Facebook Bans President Trump For The Rest Of His Presidency : Capitol Insurrection Updates : NPR. It seemed to me Facebook and Instagram would block and delete posts and claim it was “misleading” information when in actuality they did not want people seeing posts disagreeing with the democratic view. Criticizing the government is our right and there should be no "mob rule" against people who disagree with the majority. Agreeing with the government is just as legal as disagreeing with the government. Everyone is free to feel how they feel and there should be no anger towards people who feel a different way than you, even if they are not the majority.

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